Jordan Friedley

Austin, Texas

Email  | Phone | LinkedIn

My background is extensive in Customer Experience.  Discovering the user’s needs, pain points, and implementing solutions, have been critical elements in how I’ve been able to improve processes, products, and customer sentiment.  Through my writing, training, and presenting skills I’m able to translate the most complex concepts into more easily digestible content.


Ux Design Immersive | General Assembly  2/22-Present

  • 400 hours of professional training over 10 weeks.

  • Utilized a hands-on approach to practice user-centered design.

  • methods, design thinking skills, team collaboration, and client relations.

  • Full-time immersive student in the User Experience Design program relations.

  • Developed a portfolio of individually and collaboratively focused in-class projects.

Corporate Trainer | DHI Mortgage  2020-Present

  • Host training programs, webinars, on-demand videos, and regulatory training.

  • Develop and maintain the curriculum, agenda, communication with updates to mortgage systems and training technology.

  • Collaborate with other departments and serve as a member of project committees.

  • Lead special projects, complete research, and testing tasks.

Customer Success | Chowbotics 2018-2020

  • Strategically managed 35 accounts in healthcare, academia, and more.

  • Organized and led on-site product deployments with third-party project managers, executives, chief culinary offices, marketing, and IT.

  • Served as trusted customer liaison by consistently assessing accounts for changes in product usage, personnel, goals, finances, demographics, and other areas affecting ongoing client satisfaction.

  • Implemented marketing, support, and process changes to optimize product success.

  • Develop and implement customer training webinars and materials, resulting in a 20% decrease in product set-up time and a 25% reduction in product collisions.

  • Translate customer feedback into analytics used to improve growth marketing initiatives and increase return on investment.

Creative Media Support | Genius, Apple 2013-2018

  • Trained, guided, and provide resources to customers on how to use and troubleshoot Apple devices and programs over the phone and in person.

  • Developed expertise in the following programs: Logic, Final Cut, Motion, Compressor, Photos, Garage Band, iMovie, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Mac OS, and iOS.

  • Mentored and trained new hires, peers, and employees returning from leave,

  • Provided technical support and repair for thousands of iMacs, iPhones, and additional Apple products.

  • Hosted customer training workshops and one-to-one sessions and group training sessions.


General Assembly UXDI | 2/22 - 8/22

Texas State University | Bachelor of Arts, Political Science | 5/14


UX and UI
Information Architecture, Competitive Analysis, User Research, Affinity Diagramming, Persona Creation, Sketching, Wire-framing, Prototyping, Presenting, Storytelling, Visual Design

Customer Service, Project Management, Customer Success, Presentation Building, QA Testing, Training Development, Mac OS, iOS, Public Speaking Account Management

Download my pdf resume here.